Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Some of Blake's tweets that resonated quite deeply with me;

Democracy. The flying spaghetti monster of political fundamentalism. Another zombie idea, conceived by cavemen, overruled by nature. Democracy, the demented kid brother of Kleptocracy. Both screaming abortions of the debt vortex. Democracy means government for sale.

Think about these sound, thoughtful statements in comparison to some of the utter yang we hear advocates of the concept, which is really just a collage of paradoxical insanisms, spout so charismatically. America seems hung up on "democracy." Democracy is one of the last straws this bath-salt guzzling wildebeast is clutching madly at as it slowly thunders to the ground.


My point really is, unity won't be reached through variations of coercive systems hiding behind buzzwords like "democracy", unity will be reached when Earth's inhabitants declare Earth's resources the common heritage of all its people. Politics are irrelevant when it comes to the fundamental well being of the human race. 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Balance in a monetary-based economy

I'm sprawled out across the sofa, at around half five Tuesday afternoon, watching the pemier for the new Bond movie Skyfall with Blake livestream on YouTube. Outside, the eerie East Anglia suberban Autumn draws towards a wet dusk. On the screen, the camera pans across the huge throngs of Bond fans, dizzily shouting and screaming at the camera man, or moving absent mindedly to the iconic Bond tunes blasting over several megaphones.
Golden words he will pour in your ear
But his lies can't disguise what you fear
Some gape in vague ecstasy, others fire high screams and jubilantly falsely familiar smiles into my livingroom, their arms extended yearningly. Daniel Craig's face has been printed onto peices of card and laminated; young fans hold these up to cover their faces when they notice the camera on them.
I turn to Blake; "If humanity ever does evolve in the... Resource based economy direction... Which is such a lazy way of refering to what I mean... But if we ever do... We will look back on this and cringe."
Blake reminds me that although I shouldn't get taken in by this sort of thing, my quality of life will decrease if I allow my repulsion to blind me from percieving and enjoying other aspects of this and similar events. This resembles a discussion we shared when we watched 2012's closing Olympics ceremony; me wincing, Blake calm, fascinated.
"The clothes, the expressions, people, the propaganda..." He's able to watch this charade and enjoy the fact that so many people are united in mutual appreciation for a work of art. He remarks on the absurdity of celebrity worship, but his remarks are devoid of bitterness. What an O.G.
The man with the midas touch
A spider's touch
Such a cold finger
Beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don't go in
I think one of the reasons I real so disgustedly is because I haven't fully committed to understanding my perspective. Let me try here. Only within the last year have I learned to recognise the dysfunctionalities of human culture; zen master Blakey has discovered, been inscensed, and accepted.
"You can't let it drive you insane," he says. Balance. "There are millions of live, beating hearts gathered there."
Seeing people shed tears and rejoice for one of the movies which I would say best epitomises glorification of the corrupt British secret service which is fucking with us hardcore off screen, watch them cheer one of the instruments of their captivity, irks me. I'm reminded of one of my later acid trips, what I felt when I turned to my friends and watched them roll on the floor stuffing their faces with junk food and smoke faster than they could spew them out in delerious laughter. Willing slavery! But not freely willing, since we don't actually have a clue what's going down.
These friends of mine suffered addiction to junk food, narcotics and their own egos, and they are also soulful, compassionate and funny people. Living organisms, enjoying themselves. 
I look at them and I see not both sides, but the whole.

Is non-violence a sustainable and functional commitment?

Is non-violence a sustainable and functional commitment?

Think of weapons of mass destruction, what results do their use ultimately have? Ultimately, none. If I were to build the most potent, most powerfully destructive weapon, it would be the weapon that destroyed everything. Everything, including itself, it's creators, a whisper of any memory of what had gone before, or any hope of anything to come after.

The best way to interact with one's environment is scientifically. If we are scientific in our approach to reality, the quality of our lives is improved. Our accomodation is secure, our diet is balanced and healthy, and our boilers come on and off when we want them to. The quality of our relationships is also improved, because sincerity is needed in order to truthfully communicate.
Think about it. If we designed a value system in which various contradicting and weird ideologies were deemed key components, and then wished to see it take to a civillisation, we would have to dogmantically implement it on a society by integrating it in all aspects of the status quo. In no other way would it stick, because it's not fundementally beneficial for a community to adhere to an architectured value system. Even if some ideologies present within this system are seemingly innane, like 'Pink is a nice colour', it still oppresses creativity and prevents genuine interaction with the colour pink, and with any other colour. Pink being a nice colour
We would have to integrate this ideaology in the status quo using tools of manipulation, such as advertising and other, more insidious forms of propaganda. We would be left with a society founded on coercion, in which inequality and confusion were structural components.
So we need to interact with eachother scientifically! We need to base our decisions on whats working at the time, go with the flow, instead of stunting our evolution! And  we have to have ballance, also, fundementally.

I think that science is defined by being the best tool with which to interact with reality,

If tools are defined by their design, then it follows that creation is the superior force. Rather it follows that creation is true, and destruction is the absence of force.